The progression award is a flexible range of general and pre-vocational qualifications. They support you in further learning and employment whilst working to achieve a national qualification.
The pathways we offer cover a range of opportunities to develop skills in, Sustainability, Volunteering, Health and Wellbeing and Personal Development. Plus a range of ‘taster’ units in different Vocational specific areas including Digital Skills, Employability, and Childcare providing opportunities to test out your abilities and personal preferences before selecting a chosen career or employment route.
You will be required to do a BKSB English assessment before starting this course and have a level Entry 3 or above. Anyone below entry 3 will be required to do an Introduction Course.
Prosp User 2
Portfolio of evidence
Prosp User 3
We have multiple options available which include the following (depending on the meeting requires recruitment numbers)
• Healthy Lifestyles
• Passport to a course in the following vocational areas- Volunteering, Digital Skills, Customer Service Childcare or Employability
• Meatal health, Well-being and Personal Development
• Budgeting, Money management and Cooking Skills
• Green Curriculum and Sustainability
• Creative and Craft Skills
Prosp User 4
Entry 3 and Level 1 Childcare or Health and Care, Employability, Essential Digital Skills, Functional Skills English, and Maths.
Prosp User 5
This course is fully funded for anyone in receipt of means tested benefits or gross annual salary less than £20,319.
Prosp User 6
LW3010 Course Code
Start Date
26/02/2025 Start Date
End Date
04/06/2025 End Date
Hours Per Week
2.50 hrs per wk
2.50 hrs per wk Hours Per Week
Number of Weeks
12 weeks
12 weeks Number of Weeks
Tinsley Forum Tinsley Forum Location